Experience the thought-provoking episode of “The Few Podcast” as co-hosts Boo and Sean delve into the intricate relationship between change. How do you handle challenging times? Does reality overpower your experience, or do you remain unwavering in the pursuit of your dreams?
Discover the art of reflecting with a macro perspective, an essential skill to leverage your resources effectively during critical life moments. Navigating the whirlwind of emotions that accompany extreme change can either accelerate your growth or hinder your progress.
In this enlightening conversation, Boo and Sean sit down with celebrated author, Executive Fellow of Henley Business School, and international business advisor, Campbell McPherson. Campbell opens the door to dealing with change’s conflicting nature in a productive and sustainable manner.
Whether you’re navigating personal transitions or leading a team through change, Campbell’s insights will prove invaluable. Tune in now to gain actionable strategies and roadmaps to embrace change as a catalyst for growth and expansion.
Explore the five tenets of change to incorporate into your daily life, and unlock the importance of flexible strategies that pivot along with the shifting landscape. Campbell McPherson unveils life-changing steps that unlock the secrets to successful and transformative change.
Are you ready to embrace change and harness its power to propel you toward greatness? Tune in to discover the growth skills and assets at your disposal, using “failures” and lessons as stepping stones to progress. Take the first step toward embracing change, and unlock the path to a future filled with success and fulfillment!
Emotion is four times more powerful than logic when it comes to employee engagement. It's all about engaging people emotionally, it's about being emotionally intelligent.
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