How to Seize Emerging Opportunities in the Next Decade Using Technological Adaptation with Dr. Shawn DuBravac

In this episode of “The Few with Boo,” host Boo invites Dr. Shawn DuBravac, a well-rounded technology expert, to share insights on the impact of technology on people’s lives and the future of work.

You will learn:

  1. Insightful examples of how technology has evolved over the years, including self-driving vehicles and video teleconferencing.
  2. The potential positive and negative effects of technology on human beings and the importance of understanding the second-order effects.
  3. The evolving relationship between technology and the human brain, as well as the potential for AI and automation to allow humans to focus on higher-level tasks.
  4. The mindset shift organizations need to adopt, planning for the future while enhancing their value proposition using technology.
  5. Key technology considerations for businesses, including the importance of leveraging analytics and the significance of lower costs in driving innovation and opportunities.
The Few With Boo - Post Image - 600x400 - Dr. Shawn DuBravac

Technology can be both good and bad, and I think the key is that innovation is iterative.

You can Find Dr. Shawn on ⤵

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