Tap Into Your Leadership Potential with Lisa Marie Platske’s Upside Thinking

In this episode of The Few with Boo, join host Boo as he interviews Lisa Marie Platske about the concept of upside thinking and its impact on personal transformation and leadership development.

You will learn:

  1. The importance of creating space in your life to foster clarity and better decision-making.
  2. The SNAP technique – Stop, Notice, Ask, Pause, Pray, Pivot – and how it can help bring consciousness to your daily activities and priorities.
  3. The significance of reevaluating your “who” – the people who have access to your time, energy, and resources.
  4. How self-actualization and the quest for meaning play a crucial role in leadership development and personal growth.
  5. The value of embracing failure as a teacher, and the resilience that comes from being well, rather than constantly bouncing back from setbacks.

Tune in to gain insights into navigating change, finding purpose, and developing a mindset that fosters growth and fulfillment.

The Few With Boo - Post Image - 600x400 - Lisa Marie Platske

Snap. Stop, notice, ask, and then either well, it could be all of them. It's pause, pray, pivot.

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